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Ieri stavo pensando a cosa avrei potuto indossare per la notte successiva ... Ho aperto l'armadio cercando qualcosa di ... originale , alla moda ,nero , ma non troppo nero , argento, ma non troppo argento , glitter, frizzante , corto , lungo , confortevole , elegante ...
Oh mio Dio, che confusione !!
Era evidente che non ne avevo idea ! Così ho subito pensato alle mie migliori amiche e ho immaginato questo ! Sii! L'abito perfetto !

Yesterday I was thinking about what I could wear to the next night... 
I opened the wardrobe looking something of... original, fashion, black, but not too black, silver but not too silver, glitter, sparkling, short, long, confortable, elegant... 
Oh my God what a mess!! 
It was obvious that I did not have idea! So I instantly thought about my BFF and I imagined this picture! Yeah! The perfect outfit! 




Questo è il mio secondo Guggenheim! Siii! Prima sono stata al Guggenheim di New York, e poi qui a Bilbao! La struttura è incredibile! Dio benedica Frank O. Gehry creatore di questo meraviglioso progetto architettonico!

This is my second Guggenheim! Yeah! First I've been to Guggenheim in New York, and then here in Bilbao! The structure is amazing! God bless  Frank O. Gehry 
creator of this wonderful architectural design!

Sono stata all'interno di questo museo per un po' di tempo, ero così affascinata.

I stayed for a while inside this museum, I was so fascinated. 

Una sosta speciale per ammirare i grandi tulipani di Jeff Koons !

A special stop to look the great Jeff Koons's tulips! 

Shopping in cerca di souvenir in giro per Bilbao, alcuni magneti per la mia collezione , nuovi quaderni per gli  schizzi, matite e dolci molto gustosi!
Shopping around Bilbao, some magnets for my collection, new sketchbooks,

pencils, and very tasty sweets!




Ieri mentre ero dal parrucchiere ho avuto l’ispirazione! . Mentre aspettavo il mio turno sono stata attratta da un enorme libro di moda ! E 'stato subito amore ! 
O_O !
All'interno del libro ho trovato un sacco di fotografie molto interessanti utili come spunto per i miei nuovi disegni!
Yesterday I was inspired by my hairstylist. While I was waiting for my turn I've been attracted by a huge fashion book!  It was immediately love! O_O!
Inside the book I found a lot of photographs very interesting... Needless to say that I used some photographs to get ideas for my new sketches!

Natale è vicino! Vi auguro un dolce fine settimana di Natale vicino alla vostra famiglia ed hai vostri migliori amici.
Abbracci! Buone vacanze!

Christmas is close!  I wish you a sweet Christmas week end close to your family and your
best friends.
HUGS! Happy Holidays!



Stockholm Design 

Come trascorrere uno splendido week end in Scandinavia . Prima di tutto, ho programmato questo breve week-end da mesi e posso dire che Stoccolma è la città del design! Ho visitato ogni piccolo angolo come un bambino in un negozio di giocattoli . Qui di seguito la mia top 9 delle cose da vedere!

How spend a wonderful week end in Scandinavia. First of all, I planned this short week-end for months and I can say that Stockholm is the city of design! I visited every little angle like a baby in a toy shop. Here you are the 9 top sightseeing!

1. 7. Al top del mio planning ci sono : 1 Museo di fotografia “Fotografiska” , praticamente  la mia seconda passione. Ho proprio vissuto questo posto, non riuscivo ad uscire ... è stato fantastico! Ho apprezzato molto lo spazio dedicato all’artista “Vee – Speers” | FOTOGRAFI | Non si può andare via da questo museo senza aver visto prima questa mostra, l’allestimento, le luci, è stupendo.

2. Acne Studios negozio

3. Stazione Centrale

4. Ericson Globe

4. 8. Cenare in centro a Stoccolma è così chic e glamoure . Ho apprezzato i "piatti tipici " e il loro modo di decorare il piatto come se fosse un'opera d'arte !

6. Mood Nuovo ed elegante galleria con un focus sulla moda e il design . MOOD Stockholm è in Regeringsgatan nel blocco che collega i quartieri dello shopping e Hamngatan Bibliotekstan , non potete perderlo!

9. Vasa Museum

1. 7. At the top of my planning there were: Fotografiska Museum, yes my second passion is the photography. I really lived this place I couldn't go out from it... It was fantastic! I really loved the space dedicated to Vee-Speers  | PHOTOGRAPHERS | YOU CAN'T GO OUT TO THIS MUSEUM AFTER SEE THIS SHOW IT'S SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL.

2. Acne Studios Shop

3. Central Station

4. Ericson Globe

4. 8. Having dinner at Stockholm city centre is so chic and glamoure. I appreciated the "tipical dishes" and their way to decorate the plate like it was an art opera!
6. Mood New and stylish galleria with a focus on fashion and design. MOOD Stockholm is on Regeringsgatan in the block that connects the Hamngatan and Bibliotekstan shopping districts, you can't miss it!

9. Vasa Museum

Paolo Roversi portrait inspired me in this sketch....I think he is a great photographer, you can say more here:

Brands & Design 
Before come back home I couldn't stop in airport to buy some souvenirs... 



When drawing is not a thing to do but something which you need. 

La notte è davvero il momento migliore per lavorare. Tutte le idee sono lì per essere tue perché tutti gli altri dormono. (Catherine O’Hara)

 I drew these sketches last night. Doing some exercises is always a great way to relax my mind. 
In this portrait I used, pencil, marker, and rubber.
Hope you like it.



Why I choose to open a blog 

A lot of friends asked to me why I choose to open a blog: 
-"Where are you going to go with your sketches?"- ; - "Why are you photographing your drawings?"

In this post I'm going to answer at these questions 

Surfing in to the web I found a very interesting blog who tells about your free time, and what do you do to relax. "Do something each day that you can 
look forward to. Something that you like, not because it helps you reach your goals, but just because it’s fun."

I have drawn since I started to take a pencil in my hands. When I was a child my mum used give to me a sketchbook and a lot of markers of different colours 
to pass my free time. 



Long black dress 

It doesn't mind if is day or night, winter or summer, the perfect day or one like other. Every day is a wonderful day if you're wearing a long black dress. It makes you feel light and beautiful in a mix of "I'm amazing and I don't mind!" and "yes I'm wearing a chic dress but it isn't important!" 



3 objects in my Yellow list! 

Time is changing out. Some leaves are still hanging like a thread on the tree, while other are creating a beautiful yellow carpet.  I'm begining to appreciate the ocra yellow...

So, also if it's too early to do a Christmas list, I know... I thought that it'll be interesting, anyway, to keep in mind some fantastic objects that I would like to have over my table in the future! 

Here my list. what do you think about? 



Fall in love 

Maya Angelou is often quoted for saying that “people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
....and for a woman, a pair of heels make her feel really better in many situations! ;P



Old habits

Sketch on paper step by step, listening to Robin Schulz

I think that Cara Delevingne is really a fantastic model so I decided to study  her features, 

she is really wonderful with her grimaces and characteristic eyebrows.


To realize that, I was ispired to this picture. 



Blueberries and shadows

She walks in street like a lady, while light flashes of photographers and journalists follow her like she was a star. She has a big hat that cover her head and eyes. Her face seems so strange, so misterious. 

Today I feel very inspired, I would like to write a book, but I don't have the way so I prefer to draw what my head is elaborating. 



 My photographs in "Art Finder" 

A new adventure! 
A wonderful website that collect many artists. 

Here you can view also my photographs. 
Another hobby that I love. You can see other here:



Sunday Afternoon

Portrait exercices using  pencil, pen, acrylic, pantoni. Here some picture about my exercises using  different subjects that I found in web or magazines. 



House of Cards

Amo disegnare ascoltando musica e talvolta, le canzoni ed i soggetti diventano la stessa cosa. Qui potete vedere uno schizzo disegnato a penna, in un pomeriggio di pioggia, mentre stavo ascoltando una canzone meravigliosa come "House of Cards" - Radiohead

I love drawing  listening to the music, and sometimes songs and subjects become the same thing. Here you can see a sketch drew by pen,  in a raining afternoon  while I was listening a wonderful song like "House of Cards" - Radiohead